Я художественный руководитель артели Lampа Company. Это коллектив художников, мастеров с большим стажем и опытом работы в области декора интерьера, дизайна стен, предметного дизайна для частных и коммерческих проектов. Нам доверяют, нас приглашают!
Ваш декоратор в Москве
Художник-декоратор, импрессионист, иллюстратор, скульптор, технолог по керамике. Участник телепроекта
Plaster abstract panel on Mosfilmovskaya, a private project in a modern interior. The customer came on the recommendation of his friends, but had little idea of what he wanted.
Plaster abstract panel on Mosfilmovskaya, a private project in a modern interior. The customer came on the recommendation of his friends, but had little idea of what he wanted.
The bas-relief panel was designed based on the Setea company logo.
Brick is not just for loft aesthetics. This bas-relief was designed in the Art Nouveau style, as the house is from that era with its own history. We subtly modernized the style with a contemporary arrangement.
Plaster abstract panel on Mosfilmovskaya, a private project in a modern interior. The customer came on the recommendation of his friends, but had little idea of what he wanted.
Plaster abstract panel on Mosfilmovskaya, a private project in a modern interior. The customer came on the recommendation of his friends, but had little idea of what he wanted.
Aluminum plate
100х100 cm
Painting “Beetle”
Publication description
The studio is led by an artistic director and comprises a team of experienced artists and craftsmen specializing in various areas including wall design, sculpture, illustration, and ceramic technology.
You can fill out the form provided in the section “Want to implement your project?” on the website with your name, phone number, wall dimensions, and a description of your order to initiate a project.
Under the “Projects” section on the website, you can browse through various completed projects, showcasing the range and quality of the services offered.
There’s a section on the website where you can fill in your details, describe your project, and upload a photo of the wall (if available) to get an estimate for your project.
Art-Lampa specializes in interior decoration, wall design, and object design for both private and commercial projects. They create unique relief sculptures, wall paintings, and tackle complex decorative tasks.
Bas-relief “Glicinia” subtitle
Bas-relief “Glicinia” description
Table-rock for ZNWR subtitle
Table-rock for ZNWR description
Business game subtitle
Business game description
Art-object “Puppeteer” subtitle
Art-object “Puppeteer” description
Review 5 subtitle
Review 5 description